GO Patriots !




1960's DHS Graduates!

Our Next Reunion....  

            DHS ALL 1960s grads will be July 18-21, 2013 and will highlight the class of 1963 50th Anniversary!


July 19 - 21, 2013
Ramkota Best Western Hotel
Rapid City, SD

Please help spread the word to classmates!
Click here for 2013 Reunion Schedule
Click here for 2013 Registration Form

Contact Jan Kilpatrick Meyers, Ed Miles or Anna Marie Thatcher for more information on the 2013 reunion.


Our last DHS all 60's Reunion was
 Friday-Sunday, July 16-18, 2010
at the Ramkota Hotel in Rapid City, SD
coordinated by the DHS class of 1966 classmates:
Anna Marie Teachout Thatcher, Reunion Registrar: productions@periaktos.com
contact Anna Marie, registrar: phone 605-787-7099
 Dan Kupferer: ph 719-338-1331, dkupferer (at) ldc-inc.com 
Paige Taylor Schroeder: ph 530-241-5595 2paiges@gmail.com 

Click here for 2010 Reunion Schedule (pdf)

Click here for 2010 Reunion Registration Form (pdf)

Please contact the rep from your class
contact webmaster.
Please keep in contact with your class reps who volunteered to keep your class addresses up to date:

 Class Reps:   Ed Miles '63:  miles6916 at sbcglobal.net
Jody Duncan '64:  JodyD64 at earthlink.net
Teresa (Teri) Cartwright Baldwin '65:   teresabaldwin at bellsouth.net
Toni Duncan LaGasse '66:  TGDL2 at aol.com
Kathy McConnell Chavez '67:  sassimima at cox.net
Carrie Anderson Oberg '68:  carrieoberg at msn.com  
Connie Thompson Julien '69:  cjulien7@gmail.com 
Anna Marie Teachout Thatcher -will track the DHS faculty: productions@periaktos.com
Gail Perry is the rep for 1970:  gailwperry@msn.com

When you contact them, be sure to include DHS in your subject line so your email is not sent to their spam blocker!

A few of us plan on arriving early for the reunion and ride our bicycles on the
 George Mickelson Rail Trail the 120 miles
 from Deadwood to Edgemont
starting on Monday (or Tuesday) July 12, 2010.
Let me know if you would like to join us on this ride! I have biked this non-motorized trail several times now, and it is beautiful !!

Connie dhs'69

Send us your address!

If you are in touch with other DHS grads - please forward this on to them! Thanks!

Click here to go to the DHS Facebook page! be sure to enter your grad year!

In 2008, there was a DHS All School Reunion, if you have news or pics I can include here from that reunion, please contact me:

contact webmaster Connie Thompson Julien  DHS '69

Senior Pictures of 1960's DHS classes :

Class of 63, Class of 64, Class of 65
Class of 66, Class of 67, Class of 68,
  Class of 69

List of Teachers & Staff

Teacher and Staff Pictures

Picture of a DHS 1960s teacher with the President of the United States!

Senior Pictures of 1970's DHS classes :
Class of 70

For the DHS class of '69 :

List of your '69 classmates

Class of  '69 Pictures :

as SeniorsJuniors,  Sophomores

Freshmen,  8th grade,  7th grade 

Class of  '69 Reunion Pictures :

Our 30th reunion

Our 25th reunion

Our 20th reunion

Our 10th reunion

Guess Who Picture and fun stuff!

 Check out the web site maintained by the
Douglas School System

If you are a SD School of Mines grad, their 5 Year All School Reunion is the second weekend in July;
July 7-11 2010.

The annual Days of 76 Rodeo in Deadwood is the last weekend in July

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is the first 2 weekends in August each year

The NEW Douglas School in the Minuteman 1963-64:

click here for Pictures of the 2000 DHS All 1960's Reunion

click here for Pictures of the 2005 DHS All 1960's Reunion

If you have viewed these pages before, be sure to press the "REFRESH" button at the top of your screen to be sure you are viewing the most recent edition of that page !

If you have any comments or suggestions for this web site:
contact webmaster Connie Thompson Julien  DHS '69